Hair loss or thinning hair is among the most widespread hair problems that men and even some women suffer from in Dubai due to the atmospheric and water quality. Hair loss may occur at any time in one`s life, and it can be a result of genetics, lifestyle, or environmental conditions. Since hair generally has primary aesthetic worth and can greatly change how one looks, people suffering from hair loss often seek various treatments and methods.
Effective and Definite Hair Loss Treatment
Despite all the technological and scientific advancements of our age and the invention and production of numerous supplements and medications for the prevention of hair loss and hair rejuvenation, no definitive and permanent treatment for hair loss has been discovered yet, and most physicians and professionals recommend hair loss transplant as one of the best and most durable treatment methods in this area. Natural results are only one reason why hair loss treatment has become increasingly popular in recent years.
Most treatment options thought to replace hair transplant surgeries lack one decisive and important feature, durability-they don`t last very long. Whereas hair transplant is a definitive treatment with permanent results, curing thinning hair or hair loss alike once and for all.
The #1 Leading Beauty Clinic for the Treatment of Hair Loss in Dubai
Since everybody’s got unique hair and scalp, our surgeons at Paradise Polyclinic Dubai first examine and analyze the candidate`s hair and scalp quality with due care; the surgeon will then counsel the patient and recommend the best hair transplant method to them. But Paradise`s services do not end here! Because the hair transplant is not a one-time thing and requires regular post-operation checkups. Patients will be asked to visit the clinic at regular intervals to be examined by a professional surgeon; the treatment`s progression will be kept in check continually to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient.
Paradise Clinic`s management, with over 25 years of proud experience in the area, guarantees the finest and most natural hair transplant results by choosing the best-customized hair transplant methods for its patients, so they can rest assured that when they choose to have a hair transplant surgery at Paradise`s clinic in Dubai, they`re in the hands of the very best in the field.
Paradise polyclinic
Choosing a top-quality beauty clinic perhaps plays the greatest role in the outcome and success of your hair loss journey. Equipped with the most high-tech and advanced equipment in the field and with an excellent and experienced medical team, Paradise Polyclinic in Dubai offers world-class hair transplant services.